Friday, June 3, 2011


Imagine that:
The whole world population is on a boat sailing merrily down the river.
The waterfall is coming up soon but how soon?
The waterfall is deep but how deep?
Too deep for survival.
Too deep.
It's your money, your labor.

We are coming to a critical point in time. All things are just for a time, no matter what we do,
we cannot stop the time. We did not create the earth or ourselves, but we now have the power to destroy it. Our technology has advanced rapidly in the last five thousand years.
The problem with us is that we are controlled by the least common denominator, the most stupid rules, while the wise are suppressed. The leaders of the world are stupid. How did all of this come about?
The fittest animals survive and produce offspring. In this way, animals produce better, stronger and more adapted offspring, which are much more suited to survive. As you can see, life continuously improves automatically, while the flawed perish. The design of life is constantly being improved without any intervention from us. This is a far superior system than a car factory which can only put out the same identical car until some human intervenes and changes the design.
For life to work and evolve greed is essential, the fittest eat more and produce more and better offspring.
The problem only arise when we get too smart or maybe the right word is too stupid. Greed has served well for all animals up to now.
All other animals can only eat a bellyful, they cannot store the remains in a refrigerator, or pay others to watch and protect it.
We, on the other hand, can build fences, and chop-up the world in tiny pieces. We can pay others to protect and defend us.
We have invented money a purely abstract thing to store our perspiration. By this means we have created a system of parasites and peasants. This is the pp system.
The pp system is a means evolved to the point where it is not the fittest or wisest that survive but the richest.
The richest survive
The richest survive and the fittest perish will reverse the whole process of life and will speed up our doom. A time will come when we will need a hospital and an army of doctors to live.
The pp system will produce a sick specie of animal, the humans specie. Darwin's theory will be defeated.
There are only two classes of people the peasants and parasites, although they try to make us believe that there is a third (middle-class). The so called middle-class are peasants. The peasants are the ones who clean the garbage, design the microprocessors, airplanes, treat the sick, etc.
The parasites reap the benefit of the peasants, thousands of peasants will work for one parasite.
This parasite will store the life’s labor of these thousands of peasants passing it on to there future parasites.
These parasites will control the stock market and and the labor of all peasants. A peasant cannot do anything without a parasite gaining profit.
We are taught that the parasites are the wise ones because they are the entrepreneurs, moguls, the ones with vision and know how to invest and administer the peasants perspiration.
The reality is that a peasant could do the job even better without the load imposed by the parasite.
The parasite with their private jet, yacht, multiple 20+ bedroom houses, create a heavy footprint on earth, but this is nothing compared to their real footprint.
their real footprint
To feed their insatiable appetite they have setup a government system that can only survive through consumer spending. When I was a child I had to watch every penny. I got one and a half pennies for lunch, so if I wanted a toy I would invest in a game of marbles. Sometimes I was lucky and win but a lot of times I would loose all my marbles and go without lunch.
I guess that is is because I lost my marbles why I am able able to present reality as it is to you.
Now I have learned that it is my civic duty to spend, because if I don't spend the parasites won't get my labor to keep the cycle going.
So the system is designed to put my labor in the hand of the parasites as quickly as possible . This means that products should be designed with a limited lifespan. If the product last too long the parasite will not sell as many. There is no consideration for the environment, the parasite is so greedy that they do not care if there is no world for their own grand children.
The parasite rules because the wise would not think of doing these things. Idiots have always ruled the world:
They have the power to, chop down the trees, to build pyramids in Egypt, and central America, in Easter Island statues. The result is to desolate these places, making deserts.

Stonehenge ordained by parasites built by peasants.
The pyramids ordained by parasites built by peasants.
Easter Island Moai ordained by parasites built by peasants.
Total destruction ordained by parasites built by peasants.
The parasites work very hard too just like the peasants, the only difference is that the peasants do useful work while the parasites only work is to extract and store the labor of the peasants.

If you look at the republican party they want to sell oil, they will do anything to spin your labor and perspiration into there pockets.
They extract your labor and use it against you “political judo” by buying the elections. When the company donates large sums to the political party it is your money your labor that they are using against you, just like when the idiots built the pyramids.
It is truly a miracle that mankind has survived so far using the least common denominator.
This has occurred by gangs of criminals over the ages, we are taught to call them great kings and pharaohs but they are no different than the criminal which breaks into your home. The only difference they are license to steal your labor. The pyramid the idiots are building now is smog and pollution, this time it will be global destruction. All in the name of greed and the desire to make the peasant inferior and the parasite superior.
The money that the company robbed its employes and customers is what it gives to the politicians to keep themselves in power. The company rules, if they were making a fair profit they could not give so much to politicians.
Just remember when the company or parasite donates to the politician it is your money your labor.
The parasite system depends on consumerism, the more you consume the better for the parasite because when you spend the parasite skims directly off the top. It is very important to make products that last a short time. Planned and intrinsic obsolesce is imperative.
The whole design of the parasite system “Babylon system” is you are taxed by the parasites. They use your labor to hire some of you to watch over your labor which they stole from you “political judo”.
They use the weight of your perspiration against you “judo”. The man who make something useful is nobody, The men who trade on wall street are the real people they skim the dollars, and make no useful product. We who do productive and useful work are nobody.
The more sick you get the more consumption of health services the better for the economy. The more plastic, toys and nonsense you consume is better for the economy, the higher the GDP. The more oil you burn the better. It is your civic duty to eat as much as you can and get sick because this is good for the GDP.
The more you consume the better for the parasites. The parasite has acquired all of our labor. All these companies and parasites are sitting on billions of $ of our labor and they wonder why we don't spend more.

The parasite system require a lot of wasteful jobs:
Criminals, robbers, thieves, police, soldiers, security, bungler bars, clerks, paper workers, accountants, padlocks, locks, and parasites.
All the above should be planting corn ie. Doing useful work. If you cannot work you and your family will perish. If a parasite cannot make it the government will take your labor and bail him out. As you see the cards are stacked against you. The government tax your little salary, while giving tax breaks, bail outs, and loopholes to the parasites.
The parasite pay a smaller percentage of taxes than the working poor.
The parasites cannot fail, is too big to fail, but you can fail. The parasite will build a pyramid of pollution that consume the earth if we do not stop them soon. Do not wait until earth is tipped beyond return.

The parasite is the ultimate slave master. The scarcest resource is not oil it is clean air and water.
The parasite does not care about his own grand children.
Birth control is not necessary because the more the population is the more peasants to use and consume. We are only livestock to them.
The parasite own the government and the people. Notice how quickly they have paralyze the good intention Obama plan. This is because the senate and congress is bought and paid for by the parasites with your money, your labor.
Mother Theresa and Gandhi cannot save us from this political judo. Only evil can deliver us from this evil.

A good citizen will consume as much as possible, eat two dinners, drive as much as you can. Buy every gadget invented, don't exercise, take lot's of plane rides and cruises, don't wait for your toaster to break, buy a new one now.
It is treasonous if you do not consume. If the government tax the big company, who will pay it?
You of course because the tax is immediately passed on to you the consumer. Supply and demand does not work because if you use less oil, the parasite will receive lower revenue and in turn push up the price to compensate for the reduced revenue.
You cannot win the deck is stacked. Your vote means nothing. You can see from this that reducing the cost of healthcare would be bad for the GDP, bad for the parasites.
That is why the republican and democrats in sheep clothing, oppose it so strongly.

Soon technology will reach the point where robots can do the work of the peasant. There will be no need for us to consume. Let's hope they keep a few of us as pets. Now it will be a parasites heaven.

You are a peasant your civic duty is to work hard and consume all that you can to fatten the parasite.

The deck is stacked against you:
Not all business people are parasites some do provide a reasonable service for a reasonable fee.
An example of a parasites is the ones who juggle the stock market making millions a day skimming while doing nothing productive.

Why do you have to pay to have an unlisted number? Contrary to supply and demand.
Why does it cost more to send a few seconds of text as opposed to minutes of talking. The talking uses more bandwidth.
Why do you have to pay so much for a doctors visit when the health insurance pay the same doctor pennies.
Why do you have to pay two months security deposit and rent in advance to rent an apartment, but when you get a job they hold your first week or two pay. It is like your employer hold a security on you for working for them.
Why does the same drug cost less in a country where it was not made.
Why is it that if a poor country try to help their people by providing free education they are sanctioned by the rich countries.
Why is it that if you get a college degree you end up owing thousands of dollars but if a parasite spend to setup a business it is all tax deductible.
Why can the parasite declare bankruptcy and save while you cannot declare bankruptcy on your student loan.
Why can the parasite declare bankruptcy and the government take our labor and give them as bailout. This is like a thief breaking into your home but he cannot manage to take all that he wants so he calls the police to help clean out your house.
Why does republicans love the health insurance so much. Because health is the biggest business that is where they can skim the most fat. So they need it as fat as possible.
Why are you not a business after incurring the debt of an education, like how a parasites debt is tax deductible. The government is going to tax you all the days of your life anyway.
Why does the sum of the prices of the burger fries drink add to more than deal. This is just to train you to be greedy so you can have a heart attack and pass on your labor to the hospital. This is called consumer spending. This is parasite in action.
The more you eat, the more you get sick, the better for the parasite.
The parasite use your labor to elect the government for you. Judo.
The Congress and senate are bought and paid for by your labor.
Parasite do not care if we pollute the world because they want all your labor as quickly as possible. They are blinded by greed they cannot see far enough that they are destroying their grand children.
Mankind has to change from the system of greed otherwise we will destroy earth prematurely.
The idea is to create the smallest footprint necessary to survive.
This does not mean that we go back to the horse and buggy. We can build spaceships and try to find new planets to inhabit but everyone don't need a car.
Why one item if two cost less than the individual price, waste as much as you can it is your civic duty.
We are brainwashed into believing that the candidate who can raise the most money most quickly is the best candidate, but for whom. For those who give them the money of course. They are bought and paid for in before birth 'in the womb'.
What can you expect from 'of' these candidates if elected. They will vote against 'you' the people who elected them, in favor of the parasites who used your money to elect them.
What is democracy?
In my opinion the above is democracy 'the mockery' and politics 'many ticks' 'many blood suckers' .
These people are not the ones who will give up their way of life to save the world for future people.
They will prefer whole ship to go down, if they cannot maintain their parasitic control. You are trained from birth to worship them, they are the heroes.
The real heroes are the peasants the ones who clean the streets to the ones who make the rockets and space ships. The parasite will store the life labor of the peasants as paintings, and symbols on paper, or whatever.
The parasite will be on your back all the days of your life he has full control over you. Do not worry it will end in a few generations, they will force you to compete with the Jonses “your fellow peasants”.
This is a deadly system all of us buying the latest gadgets and UN-necessaries to burn out the earths resources as quickly as possible.
The embargo on Cuba stopped Cuba from creating the asphalt and concrete mayhem. We need someone to put an embargo on the whole world. Let them build the factories with homes and all facilities on site.
We get our exercise by walking to work, The play-field is on-site we play for fun only.
I see the child dribbling his ball, the seriousness of his face, we no longer have fun playing a game anymore. We are working hard to get into the big league. Why? To fatten the parasites.
Parson, pope, etc are the main powers on earth, without them the parasitic system could not be maintained. The parson teaches that you should work hard for the parasite and you will receive your reward in heaven, while in the meantime the parasite has heaven on earth.

The parson teaches that you will burn in hell fire for eternity if you do not humble yourself to your parasite “master”. If this was not so there would be need for a police to watch each peasant and a police for each police ad-infinitium, as police are peasants too.
Use the peasant against the peasant judo.
Do you have any idea how resources are wasted and how much pollution is created by these wars, bombs, jet airplanes bombers, etc.
Do you have any idea how much resources are wasted in the use of gates, fences, locks, burglar, bars, etc.
Do you have any idea how much resources are wasted on paper work and accounting.
Life without the parasite:
no police, soldier, thief, accountant, etc.
no locks, fences, war-planes, etc.
no borders, passports. This would make most people contented with their birth place, as there would no better life elsewhere.
The parasite system create the inequities which necessitates fences, locks, criminals, war, etc.

The licensed criminals make the laws, I am not talking about an under the table business, These people are licensed to buy the elected government with the full knowledge of everyone. They use the peoples labor to maintain an elected government under their control. These people would prefer the whole earth destroyed if they cannot have their way. They will send their hard working people to their death in foreign countries to kill innocent people and steal their resources.
The illegal criminal see no hope and have to resort to crime for survival they would not exist if it was not for the licensed criminals.
The hard working people believe in the idea that we should all pull our weight. These are the people who do every useful thing on earth, from cleaning, engineering, healing, everything useful. These are the mules of the parasite. Without them the human race would collapse.

What a wonderful world it would be if all parasites had to pull their own weight and release the load off the hard working people. There would be no global warming. Parson, police, soldier, thief, accountant, clerics, etc. could all do useful and productive work.
So much less of earths resources would be consumed. The only way is to conserve because all the windmills and solar cells, will only postpone the inevitable.
The windmill will produce a torque on earth eventually giving it an arbitrary rotation eg. north pole at the equator and still rotating.
The solar cell will trap more heat from the sun instead of most of it radiating back out into space eg. Earth will eventually over heat.
Nuclear energy will eventually create so much waste the whole world will become a land mine.
We were made to live a primitive life like the monkeys and earth could nearly last forever. Once we have gotten so wise the die is set. All we can do is compromise.
I hope that we will get so wise that we abandon the parasite system Babylon system.
A little wind,solar,oil,coal,nuclear.
A whole lot of efficiency, eg. recover your braking energy.
Do not keep up with the Joneses.
Get rid of the parasite system, Babylon system.
Now I will soon be dead why should I care about the future generation. I honestly do not know, maybe if I had the privilege of being a parasite, I would have thought differently.
Or maybe I have seen that through no effort on my part I am in this world, so I should step softly, and leave as few marks as I can.
Some will say it's the effort of my parents but whose effort was it for the first parents.

Chapter 1
Aspirations of Utopia

The previous chapter has shown that if we continue with the parasite system in a short time we will turn our beautiful world into Mars. The human race are a predator class by nature, our crime is that we got too smart.
Now we need to use our wise-ness (wisdom) to fight against our nature. We need to put away greed. This will be the hardest challenge that the human race will ever face.
Greed is good if we are primitive but now that we are wise it will destroy the world because we are in competition to be better than each other.
We should restrict our competitive spirit to the soccer field etc. We should give all we can like ants or bees for the whole colony of earth.
We have to eliminate all borders and fences, and reduce the population. The parasites will always oppose population control because the more people they have to work the better for them they will even have more to send to wars to stop individual countries from adapting this model. We are just livestock to them.
The state of mind has to be changed. This proposal I am making is not new. Two thousand years ago a man proposed this same theory. He was crucified when he feed a multitude of people with three tiny fish.
You can just imagine how the selfish people (sell fish Parasites) felt, it would cut the profit in peddling fish. Even in those days the poor peasants work all night catching fish and the parasite make more money off peddling fish.
You can imagine why he was crucified. Teaching love is a very dangerous thing, you could be killed, because what the parasite knows that love is it's greatest enemy. If love ruled there would no need for all these rules there would be just one rule love. It will take many generations to accomplish this I hope we will have enough time to accomplish this before utter destruction.
We could start with a united nation not (the present one). You will notice that the present United Nations is a parasite system with some members having veto power over others while some poor countries cannot even vote their will.
With this new world order we would have one country the world. We would reduce all war to the time of sail ships just before gun powder. If one member decides to invade another it would be a short sword fight as, all the other members would respond with their swords.
This would bring down the population rapidly without polluting the earth with all these bombs and airplane pollution.
We are smart enough now to make a king for earth. A king which is not a parasite. Not motivated by power or material things. A king without a crown, or palace.
This king would be totally impartial towards all people. This king could not be human as we have not yet evolved over greed. We could build a computer algorithm to run the world. The member nations (one world) would use their best in every field to provide the moral (rules) of decision for the computer .
Say for example a storm occurs in some place any where on earth it would immediately dispatch whatever is necessary to fix the problem, instead of some leader saying these are black people, or pore people, or insignificant people, we can wait because the more that perish the better, the more money we will make fixing it later.

People will be scared that this computer could take over the world but if the UN. Decide to change anything they can easily turn off the computer, and alter the program. If the computer decided it was taking over it could not order the bombing of anywhere, because there would be no bombs. It would first have to order the manufacture of bombs and the UN would find out in time to shutdown the computer. It will be still humans running the world the UN would be human. All this computer is doing is creating fast response and decision to an already impartially programmed system of behavior.

So instead of all these parasites meeting and deciding what to do on a day to day basis the UN would only intervene when they make a new decision. Suppose the people wanted to build nuclear power plants all over the world. They would check with all the best scientist and environmentalist and make the decision and put it in the computer. The computer would now implement this nuclear policy.

The whole world will now have a nuclear policy which was still determined by humans, and not by the country that stand to gain the most by nuclear power.
No country could say we are exempt from war crimes, or we can veto the decision. What this will do is make the decisions the best that the human race has to offer. So the computer is merely executing the will of the people.

We cannot run the world off majority rule because most of us are idiots in all but one field. We must get a better answer by using experts in the field of question. Of course all the experts could be wrong, though less likely so. We make mistakes all the time, this would not change, but it would drastically reduce the beefsteaks, where the group of parasites get together and make decisions beneficial to their small group. All the parasites are interested in is their personal beef, not caring about the overall benefit to mankind on a whole. They don't care as long as they control most of the beef.
Let us eliminate the beefsteaks, we will have to put-up with mistakes it's inevitable. A wise parasite loves it's prey. Unfortunately no parasite is wise, unless you define wisdom as the ability to use others. They call it entrepreneurship, ambition, which will cause consumption to destroy us all.
We should have an ambition to do the best for all. If you are lazy and and in good health but do not pull your own weight you are a parasite. If you work hard to skim the work of others you are a parasite. Instead give your best for society, love is all. If you have love you will love the polar bear and all living things. If you have love don't have more than two children leave some real-estate for the animals. We have already taken enough.

The greatest danger is if a parasite gains access to the computer program. This is not likely because most parasites are only wise in stealing our labor. If a parasite does gain control it cannot be fatal to the world as the war implements will be none existent. Don't worry we will have time to respond to computer glitches.
Mr. politician it is OK to take their money and still serve the people. Nearly all of you are lawyers and know this, but let me say it explicitly. You do not have to follow their orders, the donors cannot sue you Mr. congress for taking their donations and not doing their bid.
Mr. congress you should do the bid of the people for the benefit of the entire country, not just for the parasites, it is our money our labor they are giving you as donations.
Because they make big donations to you Mr. congress it does not mean that you should kneel and let them put a bridle on you and ride you bareback.

Notice that president Obama did not let them bridle him though he cannot get much done because of his bridled members.
When the senator say drill baby drill whose interest does he have in mind? Is it ours ?
No it is the big donors big oil.

It is easy to know the bridled ones, they get the biggest donations. This is demockery (democracy) of the people.

Just imagine if all the expenses for all these elections This can only happen if we reduce the parasite rank to peasant. An all peasant society would make the peasant term superfluous.

We would be one people working as best we can for the survival of all species on earth.

Failure of parasite
Let us take an example of failure. Autism is increasing, at present one in one and ten babies are born autistic. The government donates a lot of our (hard working people) money to research on autism These moneys will end mostly in the pocket of parasites. The parasite ordain the research on mostly trying to find a treatments for autism. The ideal result would be if they find a way to control autism with three or seven pills daily. This would create a lot of consumer spending, very good for the economy, fattening the parasite.
As you can see this is a much better result than find a cure, creating a lifetime of revenue for the parasite.
No one knows what causes autism but let us say the parasite ordained $$ research $$ came back with the result that all the parents with autistic children ate fried chicken on Sundays. So it is OK to eat fried chicken every day of the week but never never on a Sundays a Sundays for that's the day to rest.
This result would never see the light of day because the parasite would never recover the research dollars much less making the big profits of a lifetime of treating it.
Let us say it was not fried chicken on Sundays causing it but it was the cell phone 5 inches from the fathers balls damaging his sperm. Again the parasite would never recover the research dollars, much less profits because men would just keep the cellphone a distance from the jewels.
The cellphone has to keep track of the nearest tower in order to relay your calls promptly to you. So it preps your balls prep, prep, prep, prep frequently even if you are not on an active call. It is not beyond the realms of probability that it could be the cause of autism along with airport x ray machines.
Additionally the wireless company may be implicated but the wireless company may be owned by said parasite, or his fellow parasite.
This type of research can only come up with expensive treatments, not cures or eradication. It waste the resources of the world. They carry out movements with little or no useful results eating up the peoples labor but this is good for the economy increasing consumer spending and GDP.
Isn't all this ridiculous? Yes! but that's the way it is, a system which keeps one man superior and all others inferior.
The parasite system is the most efficient form of extracting labor from the peasants. It is much superior to slavery. Over the lifetime of a peasant, the parasite will suck a lot more labor than a slave master.
The parasite will work you for about 75 years of your life if he can. You have been working for the parasite from your first day at school until you croak.
This is why we need the every day administration of earth removed from human personality to computer impersonality. The policies are still made by human but implemented by computer simply because they cannot put the parasite system on paper it is an unwritten law. You could not put an algorithm in the computer that say if person is black or Hispanic do this else do that. People would object immediately, but yet the unwritten parasite law does exactly this.
The peasants are the livestock of the parasite class we are dispensable in small quantities, but our masses are absolutely necessary to the parasite now.
Eventually we peasants will build machines to replace ourselves. When this happens the parasites will replaces us with our own machines just like how they use our own labor against us today. We will be lucky if they keep a few of us as pets, the most stupid ones of course. I feel pretty sure that greed will destroy earth long before this comes to past.
The parasites are actively working on genetically altering plants if they have their way the farmer will have to buy all seeds from them. After they succeed you will not be able to shell your dried corn and plant the seeds. Either the corn seeds won't grow or you will infringe a patent if you do.
This will create an unsustainable agriculture if a world disaster occurs and the seed making plant is destroyed and the average people cannot make plants.
These plants are not hardy enough to sustain their own existence without the tender care of humans. At present even with a world disaster plants would recover on their own but after these new genetically engineered plants replace all the natural ones a disaster could be fatal.
I will not even bother to talk about if they make a genetic disease that they cannot control. Then maybe God would have to come and save us from ourselves.
The parson is the one which keep the parasite in control “obey your master and your reward is in heaven“ Notice how much labor the parson acquires from the peasants, the prime real estate, magnificent cathedrals etc. You will notice the parasite always support the church. They brainwash you into believing that it is blasphemous not to support the parasite, or you will burn in hell fire for ever and ever.
Notice in chess the king and the queen are surrounded by two bishops, their most important ally.
They keep talking about economic growth, the parasite system is sustained by growth, this was good so far but now we need to stop growth.
Economic growth, is not sustainable it does not take a professor to tell us that if the system is based on growth it will out grow our little planet.
Do you really want to turn the whole place into a concrete asphalt jungle killing all wildlife and eventually killing the human race? Do you?
Will be continued
merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Greed greed greed
Mankind is the only specie of animal that are parasites on their own selves.
unuseminucum started 05/18/2011

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